Friday, April 6, 2018

Detoxing the mind and body

Do you think there is more to health than the foods you put in your body?  What about the thoughts you put in your mind?  What about the books you read, the shows you watch?  Do you think they affect your thoughts?  What about the people you talk to, do they affect your thinking?  Yes, Yes and YES!

Phil 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

I also understand that there are times when I have feelings or emotions that I don't like and I try to bury them so I don't have to feel them.  I will get upset at someone and take it on as my problem that I have to suppress and will work to push it aside only to find it doesn't go anywhere it just festers.  I will get sad about something but I don't like being sad.  I need to be happy so I push it aside and "get over it" or "let it go".  These are bad emotions - I shouldn't be feeling them.  But that is not true.  This is life and these emotions tell me something about me.  The fact that I get upset if someone wrongs me means I value fairness.  If I get sad about the loss of someone it means I place value on my friendships.  If I get frustrated and angry about losing a friend to cancer it means I place value, and harbor great passion, for helping people fight back.  Before I even went to class this morning I held the belief that if you give the body what it needs it will heal itself.  I've seen too much to believe otherwise.

One story that I love to hear is from Brenda Cobb who founded the Living Foods Institute.  She is almost always on the road, traveling around, speaking at various venues but today she showed up to tell her story.  It is so powerful  She goes in much detail in her book The Living Foods Lifestyle but a quick synopsis is this:  In 1999 she found out she had both breast and cervical cancer.  Her doctor immediately wanted to do a mastectomy and  hysterectomy along with chemo and radiation.  She had seen her mom and several aunts go through this same diagnosis with the same treatment and none of them made it.  Not to mention it was a slow, painful process.  She refused to go down that road.  The doctor then went on to tell her she had no choice and where did she think she was going to get a better answer?  She said God would show her what to do.  His response?  "If you think God can do something for you other than what I suggest, you are sadly mistaken.  You will be dead in 6 months."  She left the office promising to come back at that time.  She prayed and God lead her to the healing books by Ann Wigmore.  She read every book she could get her hands on and followed all instructions.  Six months later not only were the tumors gone she had lost 75 pounds and a list of about 15 other positive outcomes.  Her belief was so strong that this would heal her and she attributes that belief to be key in her healing.  Can faith or fear really be that powerful?  Can it determine when a person leaves this earth?  If she had not believed would she still be here to tell her story?  There were many miracles Jesus didn't perform because of unbelief.

If faith and fear can not reside together then what about when I believe God will help me get through something but I still have fear and doubt?  Can you ride the fence or is it black and white?  I'll leave you with that for now.

Detoxing the body is also taking place.  There will be 3 days of cleansing detox before we move onto more gourmet foods.  Just typing that makes me hungry!  So the first thing we got to drink was Energy Soup.  It's a mixture of alkaline water, spinach, apple, a variety of sprouts, avocado and dulse flakes.  I made this at home last week and almost threw up.  Granted the sprouts I bought were from Whole Foods and it was a mix blend.  Come to find out the ones I chose were very potent.  I couldn't get past the aftertaste of the sprouts.  After calling Jane and pathetically whimpering that I could not go on she suggested I try pineapple instead.  I did that only I put in too much water so instead of 28 ounces I now had to drink 48... but the taste was more bearable.  Fast forward to today - I started out downing water with every sip of soup even though their version was better than mine.  By the end of the day it really wasn't that bad.  I expect by the end of the week I will be craving it.

We also had salad for lunch with mixed greens, more sprouts (see the trend?) and vegekraut.  I should have more on that by tomorrow as we will be making our own.  I also get a daily shot of wheatgrass.  I have had my fair share of wheatgrass shots and I have to admit that their version is MUCH more bearable.  We were able to bring home energy soup if we wanted but I was REALLY craving some fruit.  Since it's detox stage and we have to keep the sugar level low I get to eat granny smith apples, strawberries and blueberries.  So as soon as I left I headed to Whole Foods and stocked up.  I've had a headache since this afternoon that I know is from the detox.  I'm supposed to do an enema to help with that but I'm just not there yet.  Oh yea, you will talk about all manner of feces while here.  A healthy colon is critical to good health.  Maybe by the end of the week I can talk about it on this blog without blushing...  More to come tomorrow!!  Thanks for tuning in!

Me, Brenda Cobb and Jane Holmes

Lunch is served!  

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