Thursday, July 3, 2014

Plant POWER workouts

I have read about this from other plant based athletes.  Rich Roll, after a detox and a month eating a whole foods plant based diet went out for an easy trail run and felt so good that he ended up running 24 miles!  The longest run of his lifetime at that point!  How is that possible?  No meat in your diet?  No milk (which is now the media's favorite workout beverage).  Nothing but plants, legumes, nuts and whole grains?

I have been getting a glimpse of that this week.  I have mentioned before that my recovery has been easy.  Part of it is due to my plant powerful diet, the other is due to the nrf2 activator I'm taking every day.  It's not only activating my antioxidant enzymes to elliminate the age dependent increase of oxidative stress but turns out it's also activating my anti-inflammatory enzymes as well!  My body can make it's own any time I need it.  No anti-inflammatory medicines or ibuprofen needed.  Loving it!

So on Tuesday I had to teach a class at the gym.  I went early and got in 45 minutes of cardio first.  I didn't have to.  I wanted to.  I did the Arc trainer on a higher level than normal and felt strong doing it.  Then taught my class and burned around 450 calories.  I was pumped!  When I was done with class I could have gone for something else.  If I didn't have a thousand things to do I would have considered it.  Before all this I would have been wiped out after class.

I can't explain how unbelievably good I feel.  I sleep great, I don't hit the slumps, I'm free from cravings, I'm in control and can freely choose what I want because my body wants all the good stuff.  My relationship with food has switched to an appreciation for what my body can do when I treat it right.  I want to do that more than I want a relationship with food.  I'm excited about the foods I CAN eat and the new recipes I can't wait to try like Quinoa black bean burgers for the 4th of July and Quinoa pesto pizza.  When you break away from the addicting foods the freedom is a powerful motivator.

Physically, I can actually see achieving all the challenging goals I have toyed with in my mind but never truly believed I could do.  Things like running a marathon and completing an Ironman.  Why not?

Well first I will have to learn how to swim in a straight line...that'll need some work.

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