Thursday, December 1, 2016

Day 1 & 2 Spud.riffic..

So we are coming to the close of day 2.  I would love to paint flowers and blue skies but I gotta's an adjustment.  Several times I have gone to grab a banana or grapes and had to stop myself.  Crazy feeling on so many levels.  I have never in my lifetime committed to eating only one thing every single day.  I'm sure it will get better.  Taste buds adjust and you find your happy place.  Right??

How are we feeling?
Day 1 all day was heartburn and indigestion.  Overall not draggy feeling though and with some Rolaids I managed.  Day 2 I feel much better.  As for Cliff day 1 he felt great and today he's getting the headaches.  Anytime he comes down off sugar this happens so it's normal.   The people I have talked to about this say the headaches and fatigue are normal for the 2nd day.

What are we eating?  Um betcha never guess..
This bag below is at Publix for $2.29 with 5 sweet potatoes that you microwave in the oven.  They somehow taste better than our regular sweet potatoes.  Highly convenient.  I took 3 of these to have as snack and part early lunch while on the road this morning.
The rest of the pictures below show my fries that I LOVE using my Mike's Seasoning.  Sweet potato with cinnamon and regular potato with chile sauce and himalayan salt.

Still enjoying my coffee in the morning with Silk creamer and my Kombucha (:-)

I'm thinking over the course of this 21 days I will learn more about my relationship with food.  Physically I will gain control over cravings and knowing how to address the emotional side to food will be easier.  All you have to do is own it and address it right?  Like an addict are you not allowed anything in moderation because addicts don't do moderation?  Are there some things I will NEVER be able to have again?  Am I ok with that?  I guess time will tell.  A lot to consider in just 21 days...

Thanks for joining us on our journey!

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