Friday, January 22, 2016

Looking back and moving forward

It's really hard to write the first blog when you know it has been months since the last one.  I guess that's why the procrastination.  I need to have some kind of explanation about where I've been right?  Then I decided - no, all the people who read this are pulling it from Facebook and I still post stuff on Facebook so it's not like I've been hiding out.

Food = Medicine conference
Anyway, I was hoping my husband would write a blog about the Food=Medicine conference we went to and he might just yet.  He's a Physician Assistant and I know that people look at that as if they should know more than the lay person about food for health.  Sad thing is, they are not taught Nutrition AT ALL in school which is ludicrous.  Does anyone really grasp the seriousness of this issue?  The food we eat directly affects our health either good or bad.  It is the fuel for our engine and they learn nothing about how to use it for better health.  The top 15 diseases that we die of in the US can be helped, avoided and even reversed by the foods we eat!  And that's not my opinion.  That is the science that we saw over and over again at the Food=Medicine conference by world renown doctors like Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and Dr. Michael Gregor of  You can see Dr Esselstyn on the Forks over Knives documentary, available on Netflix, as he shows the results from his patients switching to a Whole Food Plant Based diet:  heart disease reversed, cancer gone.  At the conference he showed us slide after slide of arteries restricted with the standard american diet, people who had no chance of a stint because it would cause other arteries to block completely.  He put them on a WFPB diet and within months their arteries are clear and larger than before.  All in changing what they fed their body and taking out animal protein, dairy, oil and sugar.

Looking back
I took a second to go over my blogs from the beginning of this journey.  I was unsure about what incredible health looked like and I realize that I have come a long way.  Searching for the truth led me to this point where I am convinced that the WFPB diet is the path to incredible health.  I have seen athletes running faster on plants than those who fuel from animal products.  I have seen body builders build massive muscle without animal protein.  I have seen evidence of how milk from animals cause an acid imbalance so our body has to pull calcium from our bones to neutralize it.  Even the slogan "milk does a body good" had to be pulled after evidence came out that it actually didn't.  I have seen where the casein in dairy turns on our cancer cells if intake is over 5% daily.  I have seen doctors blown away by the results that such a simple change can make.

The evidence is there.  But how do you live it?  How do you co-exist in today's society when you are the minority?  I don't like being the odd man out, contrary to what people might think.  I actually DO care about what people think of me but I care more about your health so I'm putting myself out there and taking you along in my quest for the truth.  Everyone is at their own phase of the journey.  You may not care at all.  You may be playing around with it but lack the belief that you can make it work in your life.  You may be struggling because you see it and desperately want to follow but internally you have always lost the battle when it came to food.  I hear you.  I have been in every phase (only I can't remember when the first phase was - maybe elementary school?)

Moving Forward
So here is what I'm going to do.  I'm going to post a guide to the WFPB diet with as many resources as I can remember today (and will add more as I get them).  Then I'm going to do a separate post on the mental side to this journey.  It's critical to realize that very few people go all in from day one and never miss a beat.  There will be times when the temptation is too great, there's no food choices where you are going, you are still battling with food addiction, your self esteem pulls you down.  Progress not perfection!  Feedback not failure!  I will give you the feedback from all my failures and hopefully it will help you to arm yourself as you go.  If you keep moving you will be much better off than if you quit entirely.  "There is no try.  There is DO and DO NOT."

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