Thursday, October 29, 2015


"We had such a wonderful time that we couldn't bear to go back to our regular lives, and so we decided we just wouldn't. 
And then all the GREATNESS began…"
This is the quote from the bathroom wall at the Joi CafĂ© of Westlake Village, CA.  I went there a year ago October 2014 while on a trip to LA/Long Beach.  I was there in hopes of meeting Rich Roll, famous vegan ultra-man athlete.  I had started my journey to finding incredible health that year and his book "Finding Ultra" had played a pivotal role in my decision.  I read in his book that at the beginning of his transformation from a junk food addict to whole food, plant based vegan he felt so good he decided to go out for a "jog" and ended up running 26 miles without stopping.  I wanted that energy.  I wanted to know what the clean eating could do to my endurance.  I had been eating clean for 5 months and I had never felt better in my life.  And I was in my 40s!  Seeing that quote resonated with me.  I didn't want to turn back to my regular life.  I wanted to see greatness.  I wanted to know what it felt like and how it played out in one's life.  I went home from CA inspired to move mountains..   I just didn't know what mountains to move.  I was lost for months trying to figure out what to do and it took me a year to discover that the mountain that had to be moved was ME.  Now granted there were external struggles pulling me back from my journey to incredible health.  There were decisions, BIG decisions I had to make when I got home that stressed me out and apparently I can't focus on healthy when I'm stressed.  Then 3 months later I was in a car accident that kept me from training for pretty much anything.  Apparently I don't eat healthy when I'm depressed.  Who knew? 

But what does greatness call for?  What does it demand?  To DO IT ANYWAY!  Find a way.  Do what you are capable of and don't play the victim.  Greatness calls you to make up your mind and not look back.  Greatness requires you to listen to God (some people call it your gut, your heart, your soul) and let that call to action be enough to take you to the next level. 

What did the ME Mountain say?  "You aren't used to succeeding, you are used to dreaming", "you don't actually DO anything, you just start them and quit", "of course something is going to happen to make this the hardest thing you have ever done, it always does.  Just wait for it".  Horrible things were said on that mountain.  BUT if you keep pushing for the truth it will come up.  If you are willing to listen to something other than the sabotaging thoughts in your mind you can start to hear God again, calling you to greatness.  Then instead of looking through the eyes of doubt you can start to look through the eyes of FAITH.  Whew, what a view that is!  God has given me a passion for health and wellness.  He is even giving me an outlet, a path to freely explore this passion and the ability to change lives.  One of those outlets is Incredible Health Farms, an aquaponics farm that my dad and I are building starting this year.  This started out as a vision that my dad had of finding a way to make money while mingling and preaching the truth to any community that God puts on your heart to live in.  An aquaponics farm starts by growing fish and using the nutrients from the fish to feed the plants.  You get to sell the fish and the produce and it's 100% organic (if you of course, jump through all the hoops to verify it).  Everything is grown in greenhouses and the nutrients pass through a water system.  I could talk at length about the sustainability factor in growing 450,000 lbs of produce a year on 5 acres but that's not what this blog is about.  (Pretty cool though, right?)  I can just leave it as a farm that provides produce to our community.  What the produce gets to do is feed MANY people the very best foods available for their bodies and that's great.  Or I can go a step further and help transform people's lives with this farm.  Do what I set out to do with this blog, this journey of mine to incredible health.  Those who are dying from food related illnesses can be healed by these beautiful plants that God gave us to reproduce year after year after year.  People's lives are going to change, including mine.  God is going to send us the sick and we are going to help them.  Through the eyes of faith I see this.  Part of me is scared to even post this because then it's out there.  I have to walk the walk and talk the talk for a greater purpose.  I have to find a way to be healthy when I'm stressed because others out there will need to know how to as well.  That's what greatness calls for.  The leap of faith and the determination to see it through no matter what the obstacles.  There are other mountains, smaller mountains that will get moved throughout this process but they won't be as big as this one.  It's time to follow my heart to GREATNESS!  What is your call to greatness?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Misinformation about Soy

I finally have an article I can share that gives the clear information about soy.  For a while I was confused about whether it was good or bad and why.  This article gives good science based explanations and introduces the reason we are all confused.  I don't believe everything I read anymore but if it can give me science to back up the findings and a good explanation as to why I have been told wrong I can get behind it.  And it helps to know that the writer is getting nothing financially from the deal.  I know that because it has already passed the desk of Dr. Garth Davis who checks all the statistics for me.

Now I can feel good about the soymilk I give my kids on their cereal and the tofu that I'm trying desperately to enjoy :)  More to come on that.

I'm toying with the idea of going RAW vegan for 21 days.  There's a challenge I have been looking into and information out there on the benefits.  I don't know that I want to completely convert to raw but I'm interested in knowing how it will make me feel.  More to come on that too!

Thanks for your continued support,

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Experts debunking the Protein Myth

No I'm not the expert.  No one would see me as one which is why I have WANTED to talk about this myself but KNOW that no one would see me as an expert and therefore would not listen to me.  I have, however, been reading and learning and researching this for some time.  I now have a couple of really good, solid resources that you can go to if you are interested in learning the truth about protein.  Rather than go into what I know, I'm going to share with you those who have more experience and labels behind their name.

Disclaimer:  I am not interested in debating and arguing about meat, dairy and protein sources.  If you listen to these and you have further questions I will point you to other resources.  My goal with this blog is not to condemn but to inform those who are interested in learning more about a whole food plant based diet.  Enjoy!

FIRST and easiest thing is to read this article.  If it leaves you with questions and you are saying "but what about all this other stuff I'm hearing about??" go immediately to step 2.

About the Author

A graduate of Stanford University and Cornell Law School, Rich Roll is an author, world-renowned ultra-endurance athlete, a wellness advocate, husband, and father, and an inspiration to people worldwide as an example of courageous and healthy living. He is the first of two people to complete five Ironman triathlons on five Hawaiian islands in under a week. Visit to receive updates and learn more about his book, Finding Ultra.

SECOND:  listen to an interview that Rich did with Dr. Garth Davis out of Houston, TX.

This is a little introduction about Dr Garth that Rich has on his site introducing the podcast.  You can listen to the podcast by clicking this link:
“…that’s what medical school does – it teaches you to treat symptoms; it doesn’t teach you to treat a larger cause; it doesn’t teach food as medicine.”
Garth Davis, MD

This week marks the return of Garth Davis, MD — a veteran weight loss surgeon who took it upon himself to determine exactly why so many people are plagued by obesity. A quest that led him down a deep research hole to identify the ultimate human diet to maximize and maintain weight loss; optimize human health; and prevent (and even reverse) lifestyle disease — both for himself and his patients (tune in to RRP 50 for our first conversation).  (the first interview blew my mind so if you have time listen to both)
About 7 years ago, the good doctor became his own patient. At the time, he was suffering from high cholesterol, high blood pressure and a fatty liver. In other words, he was downright sick; headed towards a future plagued by obesity and chronic illness. Ironic, yes. But not surprising given the demanding hours of the surgeon lifestyle, lack of exercise, a preference for salty, fatty foods, and the convenience of fast food options in the hospital cafeteria. In fact, there was a Wendy’s in the University of Michigan hospital where Garth did his internship and residency, resulting in a daily dose of  double cheeseburgers — a habit he maintained for years.
Let’s just say I can relate.
Current conventional wisdom in his field is that overweight patients should adopt a very low carb, low to no fruit, high protein diet — hop on board the ketosis bandwagon. Like many, and without inquiring further, Garth simply bought into this idea as truth. He even wrote a book in 2007 advocating this approach to food, called The Experts Guide To Weight Loss Surgery.
The only problem? This approach to diet failed him and many other friends, colleagues and patients. He knew there had to be a better solution. And his patients needed help beyond knee-jerk surgery. Finally ready for a personal change, he took it upon himself to research — truly research — nutrition for the first time.
His study became an obsession. The more he delved into the peer reviewed work, the more convinced he became that there is absolutely no legitimate science to back the long-term health claims surrounding the strongly held belief that if we want to be thin and healthy we should eat a high protein low carbohydrate diet.
What did he find? If we want to prevent obesity and disease; attain and maintain ideal weight management; and achieve true optimal health and long-term wellness, we need to embrace our inner herbivore.
Sound far-fetched? Before you balk, understand that (much like me) adopting a plant-based lifestyle absolutely revolutionized Garth’s health beyond what he could have imagined. Not only did he drop the weight that plagued him for years, all of his blood markers suddenly and quite magically normalized. His allergies vanished. His sleep improved, his energy levels skyrocketed and he got off his statin medications. In short, he finally began to walk his talk. As his life began to turn around, he wanted to be an example to his patients. For the first time in his life, he began exercising.
Then he did the extraordinary. Despite never having been an athlete, in 2011 he completed Ironman Texas in 12 hours and 6 minutes.
His personal results nothing short of extraordinary, Garth has become a crusader intent on teaching people real nutrition. I encourage you to peruse his Facebook page for a litany of highly entertaining and informative rants on how the internet pseudo-experts are manipulating the science to push high protein diet and how to parse fact from fiction in the scientific literature. Come October, you can get the full unabridged Garth in his new book, Proteinaholic: How Our Obsession With Meat Is Killing Us and What We Can Do About It.
Let’s face it. Most doctors are kind of boring. What really distinguishes Garth from the fray is his acute talent for effectively communicating his knowledge with passion and charisma in a way that catalyzes positive long lasting change — and that my friends is rare.
This is an in depth exploration of all the questions that profoundly confuse the mainstream. Subjects I get asked about everyday, such as:
  • the scientific truth behind low carb, high fat diets;
  • the health implications of the ketosis lifestyle;
  • the pitfalls of reductionist food science;
  • the impact of politicized regulatory bodies and lobbyists on medicine;
  • the nutritional benefits of a plant-based lifestyle;
  • the relationship between meat intake and diabetes
  • what’s the deal with gluten? (his opinion on this might surprise you);
  • plant-based versus paleo;
  • the relationship between saturated fat, dietary cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes; and of course
  • the differences between animal and plant protein and the impact on muscle protein synthesis

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Counting Calor... Nutrients!

You can't get too much of a good thing right?  Well, technically when it comes to food even if you are eating all the right things you can still eat too much of it to actually lose any weight so I decided to start tracking my food again on My Fitness Pal a couple of weeks ago.  I LOVE My Fitness Pal.  It's so easy to use AND now they have a page that tracks your nutrients to show how you are doing throughout the day.  Here's what you can track:

Micronutrients:  Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Vitamin A, C
Macronutrients:  Fat, Protein and Carbohydrates. 

I decided to focus only on the micronutrients to see what it would look like.  I found that when I look mostly at those numbers and make sure I'm eating foods that get me to 100%, the fat is low, the carbohydrates come from healthy sources and the protein works itself out.  I don't usually get the system's recommended number on protein but I get the minimum required for me which is 30 grams (more about that below).  I'm not going to get on my soap box about protein in this blog but does anyone even know what the word is for protein deficiency?  NO!  WHY?  Because it doesn't happen in America unless you are not EATING enough food... period.  OK enough of that for now. 

Also when I focus on the micronutrients I am full at every meal, it lasts until the next meal AND I stay within my calorie budget.  Have I found the mystery to satisfying healthy eating???  It's pretty awesome!  If you want to connect with me on My Fitness Pal I'm listed as Drarceneaux.  I share my journal with my friends so you can see what I'm eating.  Here's an example of a day and the results:

Breakfast Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
Grape nuts - Grape Nuts, 0.5 cup 210 44 1 8 290 5
Silk soymilk - Soymilk, 0.5 cup 50 5 2 3 50 4
Craisins - Dried Cranberries, 0.06 of a cup 29 7 0 0 0 6
Coffee w trivia, 1 serving(s) 42 6 2 0 25 6

331 62 5 11 365 21
Broccoli - Broccoli Steamed, 1.25 cup 38 5 0 3 38 2
Black Beans - Black Beans, 1 cup 144 26 0 10 608 2
Carrot - Medium, 2 medium carrot (61g) 50 12 0 1 84 6
Cucumber - With peel, raw, 0.5 cup slices 8 2 0 0 1 1
Balsamic Vinegar - Balsamic Vinegar, 0.5 tbsp 7 1 0 0 2 1
Watermelon - Raw, 0.25 cup, balls 12 3 0 0 0 2

258 49 1 15 733 14
Curried Chic Peas With Apples, 1 serving(s) 237 40 6 8 309 8
Dole - Bananas, 1 banana 100 27 0 1 1 14

337 67 6 9 310 22
Coco Polo - 70% Dark Chocolate Sweetened With Stevia With Tart Montmorency Cherries, 20 g 85 11 7 1 5 3
Watermelon - Raw, 1.5 cup, balls 69 17 0 1 2 14
154 28 7 2 7 17
Totals 1,081 206 20 37 1,415 75
Your Daily Goal 1,200 150 40 60 2,300 45
Remaining 119 -56 20 22 885 -29

Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar

Here's what the Micronutrients looked like that day:

Potassium - 3091 consumed, 3500 recommended
Vitamin A - over by 491%
Vitamin C - over by 174%
Calcium - 45%, should have used my remaining calories on a cup of coconut milk
Iron - over by 48%

Cholesterol - 0

5 shocking things I learned when staring only at micronutrients: 
  1. 1/2 cup of Grape Nuts has 90% of your iron!  
  2. Watermelon, which I LOVE is an excellent source of Potassium, Vitamin A and C 
  3. Black Beans are a great source of protein, potassium and iron
  4. Most important:  Dark chocolate cherries has IRON!
  5. A big pan of broccoli will fill you up immensely and give you protein, potassium AND 168% of your Vitamin C! 
When you are eating mostly plants you get a bigger "bang for your calories", you get to rack up the micronutrients and here it is...  EAT MORE FOOD!  When you throw in the meat for protein purposes your whopping number of calories also get you more fat and cholesterol that you DON'T need just to get more protein that you really aren't deficient in.  The recommendation is 10-25% of your calories in protein.  So if my calorie intake is 1200 and each gram of protein equals 4 calories then my minimum should be 30 grams.  I am usually over the minimum every day.  If I'm working out I may use my exercise calories for additional plant protein.  It's not that big of a deal.  I don't need the meat for the protein or the iron.  The only other nutrient I need to make sure I get is B12.  Most plant powered people supplement.  I have found a great supplement that works on multiple levels and gives me 100% of my B12.  You can see the information here.  If you want to try it I can get it for you. 

So before doing this I was trusting that I was getting everything I needed from plants but now I know I'm covered.  That's a great feeling!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Coming CLEAN

So it's been a while since I have "come clean" with how I'm doing on this journey.  Partly because I wasn't sure the 4 followers I still have even care and partly because I wasn't really sure where I was.  This has been a struggle of a journey in some respects.  But too I think that looking back and seeing the big picture I find that I am completely normal.

I started out with a strong desire to find perfect, incredible health.  That "oneness" with your body that comes from eating clean and being consciously aware of what you are putting in your body.  I believe I felt that on some level and stayed there for a little while.  The better I ate the better I felt, the more obstacles I overcame the more confident I was that I could do this.  It became habit and some of those habits still remain.  There are some people who can do perfect 100% of the time.  Or maybe we have the illusion that they do.  I will never know.  I know that for someone who has struggled MY WHOLE LIFE - it's hard to be all in 100% of the time.  I also know I am not alone in this and it is THOSE people I want to reach in this blog.  The perfect people are not reading this blog.  They are reading blogs from the greats like Rich Roll and Matt Frazier.  And those guys are reading blogs from their greats.  We are all trying to better ourselves and I'm not saying I'm better than anyone else.  I do know that I have a passion for health and wellness.  I have a strong desire to motivate and inspire others to better health.  To do that I have to be real with you.  And I have to be real with myself. 

So you read about my struggles around my birthday.  I pulled myself out of it occasionally and then went on a trip to LA for a conference.  I went a couple of days early to see the sights.  I was by myself and on a seriously tight budget.  I brought my shakes with me so I could add water and get lots of nutrients when needed.  I found TONS of restaurants that catered to my hippie foodstyle (I think I just made that up because I hate the word "diet").  Mentally I felt great!  My energy was the most positive it has ever been and if I were not rooted in God and His purpose for my life I would have thought moving to California would help me "find myself".  But I don't need to do that.  When I got back from my trip it was evident to those in my daily life that I had changed.  My energy was different.  I had no idea what that meant or what to do with it all and I FREAKED!  In an odd way I shut down.  I didn't know what to do next.  I didn't know how to bring home all that positive energy and make something with it.  I couldn't be alone with my thoughts because they didn't make sense.  In time I may figure it out but for the time being I have learned to live with it.  I know that was a major kill of the climax to my story but that's all I can say right now.  No major resolutions except to say I believe God has a plan so much bigger than me and little by little He is helping me along.

So the holidays took it's toll because my head was not in the game.  Overall not that bad but sweets played a bigger role than I had hoped.  A majority of the time I have eaten really well but old habits die hard.  Mexican habits die harder.  SOOOO I suffered through another cleanse.   Just ended yesterday.  It jump started the weight loss but the best part was it helped me find that happy place where I'm treating my body to the good things.  I'm drinking the happy shakes that make me feel like I just got up from a good nap within 10 minutes.  And the best part about it is:  I'm not starting over.  I'm not "getting back on the wagon" because I refuse to look at this as something I can't do.  I think we do that all too often.  We make ourselves feel like everything we have done is for naught because we weren't perfect for a while.  We learn a lot about ourselves, our plan, our self talk during that time.

I know what to expect this time.  I know the pitfalls both emotionally and physically and I know I can either choose to allow it or choose to fight.  I hope I choose to fight this time because this feeling is so worth it.  I will be blogging more often so hopefully the 4 of you will have something to read a couple of times a week.  Thank you for sticking with me.  If the journey to better health is a struggle for you just know you are not alone.  You are completely normal.  The question is:  are you willing to come clean and fight?

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Tasty food

Tasty food - even if it doesn't look it...  

I wanted to share a few favorites that I have taken pictures of recently.  There are many other great things I have eaten and fixed but failed to take pictures. 

A Few Favorites

OH WAIT!  This isn't healthy!  These are the striped cookies that are a favorite of mine and get fixed for me every time I visit the inlaws.  One of the many reasons I'm proud to be an Arceneaux...

Oatmeal with apples and craisins.  The secret is to add the chopped apple and craisins to the oats and water before you cook it.  Then the apples cook down and the craisins get fat and juicy and it's like a delicious apple cobbler!  I start with old fashioned oats (or steel cut) and follow the directions on the package.  Add 1/2 chopped apple and craisins.  Microwave as directed.  I usually go a little longer so it's not runny.  Add chopped pecans or almonds and 1 TB chia seeds for added crunch.  Drizzle a little honey and a splash of vanilla soy creamer and OH MY DEAR...

This was a happy holiday find.  We got these in a gift basket.  The ingredients didn't sound so bad and since they were thin there weren't many calories.  We cut a banana and drizzled a little honey and OH MY DEAR again...

This was Christmas dinner.  Lima beans, corn, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes and the not so healthy fried okra and sis schuberts yeast roll.  It was Christmas..   I find that my "go to" method for balanced meal consists of veggies, beans, potato or brown rice and fruit for dessert.  Then I know I have enough protein and the good nutrients.

This WAS a caesar salad from Christmas Eve.  What I liked about this was the dressing.  Delicious and EASY to make.  I got the recipe from the first Rich Roll cookbook (Jai seed cookbook).  It's available as an ebook from   Toss together:
3 tbsp Vegenaise
1/4 tsp Celtic sea salt
Juice of half a medium lemon
1/8 cup olive oil
black pepper
dash of cayenne pepper - optional

This was leftover night.  And it turned out to be yummy!  Leftover roasted veggies on the side and a bowl of quinoa, black eyed peas and green beans.  Got my protein grain (quinoa), beans and veggies!

This was my home made black bean hummus with a sprinkle of paprika.  Use it with pita triangles or veggies.  Recipe below.  I skipped the olives...uck!
1 clove garlic
1 (15 ounce) can black beans; drain and
reserve liquid
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 1/2 tablespoons tahini
3/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon paprika
10 Greek olives
1. Mince garlic in the bowl of a food processor. Add black beans, 2 tablespoons reserved liquid, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, tahini, 1/2 teaspoon cumin, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper; process until smooth, scraping down the sides as needed. Add additional seasoning and liquid to taste. Garnish with paprika and Greek olives. 
This turned out to be incredible!  I know it doesn't look it to most people BUT it was super tasty.  Cliff made it so I have to find out where he got the recipe if you want it.  It had sweet potatoes, sauteed kale, onions and garlic sauteed in veggie broth some some seasonings.

The great thing about not eating meat is that you don't have to PREPARE it!  You don't have to thaw it out in the microwave (because you forgot to put it out the night before in the fridge), you don't have to have a separate cutting board and be careful not to touch anything before washing your hands.  You don't have to wait for it to cook.  It's just so much easier.   You can sautee up anything in some veggie broth or chop and roast in the oven, add some quinoa or brown rice and you're done.  We cook up a bunch of quinoa or brown rice for the week to keep it simple.  I like to sautee up some broccoli and carrots, add some brown rice and a little teriyaki and toss in some nuts and I have chinese food packed with protein.  Now that I have been on the way a little longer I see that it's really not that hard or expensive and it doesn't take up that much time.  It's just a change in the lifestyle.  And change takes time.  It takes practice. 

We have been on this journey for longer than this blog.  We started several years ago and although some people convert and are all in, that wasn't us.  I feel like we are still learning.  We went through a phase just recently (and are still pulling out of it) where we were eating more "vegan" than "whole food plant based".  There are similarities and there is a difference.  Being vegan is more about what you don't eat.  Being WFPB is about what you DO it.  You can eat vegan and gain weight.  Vegan doesn't guarantee you are healthy.  Eating a WFPB diet does.  I'll probably talk more on that later but this blog is getting really long.  I hope you enjoy the options.  I will try to do better at keeping em coming!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Healthy mind

It's the close of the first day of the year 2015.  The beginning of a new year always fills me with hope.  We make our list of new year resolutions.  We put behind us the fears, failures and regrets (if there are any) of the last year and believe that the slate is clean and we can not only envision but bring to pass all that we dream in the new year.  Why not?  Everyone else is doing it.

It's true that anything you do to change or better yourself is 90% mental and 10% logistics.  You can put a list of goals in place and set the steps for getting there but if your head isn't in it you will not get anywhere.  Your brain controls a HUGE part of the process.  And the coolest thing is...your brain can be rewired.  You can form a new pattern in your thoughts and by doing that you leave the other path dormant.  For example, let's say you have the belief that you can't run.  Let's say 3 years ago you decided to run a race and you started day one to try to run as far as you could.  You couldn't even go a quarter of a mile.  So you decide that running isn't for you because you can't even run a mile!  Let's say a trainer comes along and challenges your belief.  What training program did you have in place?  None, I was just going to start running.  It worked for Forrest Gump.  What small goals did you put in place?  Um to run.  OK so the plan was not realistic.  You can't truly say you can't run when you barely tried.  So the trainer starts to work with you on a program with small attainable goals to chart the path.  The only way you are going to be successful in even TRYING is to change your thought pattern.  There is a very strong 3 year old pattern of thinking that you just can't run.  Now that you are working with someone who has been there you have a little hope.  You rely on their belief in you and your belief in their system until you can truly say "I can run with proper trainiing".  You reach your small goals and your belief gets stronger.  If you say to yourself every morning "I can run with proper training" and never say again "I can't run" you will start a new pattern in the brain and the old pattern will be gone.  Just like that!

So any new year resolution you list needs to have proper goals set with them.  Start by learning how others are doing it.  Look for the professionals or the experts on the subject and take their advice on how to start.  Then set small attainable goals that you can realistically achieve.  If you do not put goals in place with your resolution nothing will change.  If you don't change your thought process the 10% of what you are trying to achieve will be swallowed up by the 90% powered by the brain.  Things CAN change!  Things don't have to remain the same every year!  You have to start with belief and then change the voice in your head.  Ask God to help you.  He instructs us to establish our ways. Pro 4:26-27 "Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.  Turn not to the right hand nor to the left".  He wants us to be better, feel better, be extraordinary.  Not flip back and forth.  I know we are humans who make mistakes, who have good intentions, who try and fail at times.  But try!  Keep trying!  The great thing about new year resolutions is we challenge ourselves.  We attempt to change the voice in our head and we succeed when the right voice, the voice of hope gets louder than the voice of fear.  Fear that we will fail again.  Fear that we will be disappointed.  When you realize it's all in the head then it's all in your control.  Just change your mind!  All day long, change your mind.  When the voice of fear trys to speak, yell with the voice of hope!  Eventually the pattern will change and 90% of the battle is won!