Thursday, August 7, 2014

Some days it's an uphill climb...

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I posted last.  I'm guessing if I ever want to be a professional blogger that's a big, fat no-no.  So, life happens.  Right after Cliff did his cleanse (that he wrote about in the last blog) we went to our church campground for a week and a half.  No internet so no blogs.  Got home and scurried around trying to live life with 2 jobs and 2 kids.  I know, to some people that's a vacation.  Whatever.

So the campground I went to was in Georgia.  Our church has a campground and most of us have a lot with a cabin on it.  When church members get to the point of retirement a lot of them will move to the campground and live in their cabin  then when they can not care for themselves we have a church home a half a mile from the campground then when they pass on they are buried at the campground.  Once a year we have a week long revival where all of our church members from all over come and we have church services 3 times a day, 4 times if you include 7:30am prayer meeting...  The week of church is spiritually the highlight of my year.  Our services from past campmeetings can be found at and click on Live Broadcast.  I have never missed a campmeeting in all my 41 years.  For the spiritual body it is indescribable.  For the physical body it is atrocious.  We sleep on a pull out couch in the den (kidney bar), we get up 6am to exercise, we get all 4 of us ready for church twice sometimes 3 times a day if we make it to afternoon service while the kids nap (in the care of the inlaws of course).  We eat at crazy hours if we want to visit with everyone because there's food after night meeting so in some cases you are eating dinner at 9:30, going to bed at 11.  How in the world can someone live an incredibly healthy lifestyle while there?  Here's what I did:

  • Bought my own food for the cabin (sweet potatoes, stuff for smoothies, stuff for salads, super green drink mix when I can't get enough nutrients in, hummus, lots of fruit, nuts
  • Smoothies for breakfast, Salad bar for lunch in the cafeteria, ate at the cabin before night meeting and ate nothing after church.  If I were at home I wouldn't, why whack my system out when I'm already killing it with little sleep?
  • Said NO to desserts.
But what about the people who want to live in moderation?  Don't I want to live in moderation?  I don't know, maybe one day.  Now that my 6 week online challenge is over the accountability is up to me.  I find that if I stick to my rules it's easier for me.  Some people (my husband) freaks out with rules, like you are saying you are NEVER going to eat ____ again.  I don't know that I can say never but right now my brain makes too many decisions in a given day and constantly reminding myself to eat right when given thousands of choices a week is too exhausting.  If I know what the rule is for eating right and I know what that means:  The Dos, the Don'ts I can do that.  I'm thinking that soon it will just be second nature, and it's getting there.  When you decide to choose life, choose better health, choose to eat what makes you feel better, cleaner, more energetic, the easier it gets to just do it.  The quicker the decision is.  If you are thinking "ok I'm going to eat healthy 89% of the time", what does that even mean??  How many bad choices do you get to make?  How do you choose when those bad choices are going to take place?  You pick the times in the week when it's hardest to say no and say THAT is when I will eat whatever I want.  Now you just trained your brain to think that there are times that are beyond your control and therefore food has control over you.  You just lost the battle.  You "can't help it".  Well guess what?  Every time the climb is uphill you are going to opt for slowing down or walking in the other direction.  Then the journey becomes too hard and you will bag your efforts until the next 6 week diet plan comes out because anyone should be able to give it 6 weeks right?  After that we are too weak to continue our efforts.  Now it becomes about weight loss, a quick fix and not about living better, not about living longer, not about choosing life.  It all starts with the mindset and the goal in mind.  If it's truly about changing your life you will change what you choose to eat all the time.  Until it becomes a lifestyle, until you have formed a new pattern of thinking, until you have a "why" that's bigger than the need for Chic-fil-A.  Otherwise it will always be a struggle.  It will always be the newest fad diet.  Quick fix diets are external.  This decision has to get to the heart.  It has to seep in and take control of the heart and mind.  

Thanks to the weight loss industry and the whacky meat and dairy industry who power a good bit of confusing "evidence" you hear in the media, no one knows what is right.  THAT, my two friends who are still reading me, is why I'm doing this blog.  Go plant based, maximum nutrients, no processed food, natural sugars and your body will tell you you got it right!  Guaranteed!

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